Welcome to Thornridge Community Church
Our Vision
Thornridge is a church that is dedicated to serving our community and sharing the love of Jesus. We help people grow in their relationship with Him to serve God, His kingdom and people. So, we can help make the world a better place.
Our Mission
We Love one another, as We Learn together and We Live out the rest of our lives making disciples all while loving God and loving people.
We Love (John 13:34-35), We Learn (2 Tim 3:15-17, Matt 28:19-20) We Live (Mark 12:30-31)

We are a Wesleyan Church.
Transforming lives, churches and communities through the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ.
God forgives us, freeing us from our sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
God transforms us by the power of the Holy Spirit to live holy lives, being made new.
God empowers us to spread scriptural holiness in our communities and to the world.
God gives us our dynamic and contagious message through Scripture.
Click Here for more information on the Wesleyan Church.