Welcome to Thornridge Community Church website. Thank you for expressing interest in our church.
We are a church who wants to help people live life with Jesus.
When you come to Thornridge we hope you feel welcome and loved. We are people who are longing to learn more about God and let Him change our lives. It is our hope you can experience everything our church has. We would love to have a conversation with you. We want you to take advantage of our coffee bar. It is our call to give you the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ in the most comfortable way possible. We can’t wait to meet you.
This page provides everything you would need to know to plan your visit to Thornridge.
Service Times
We are located at:
8 Thornridge Place Levittown, Pa 19054
Check us out on a Sunday morning at 10:30am or Every other Tues from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. We love to meet you.
About Us
Our desire is that Thornridge be a place where both visitors and regular attenders feel they belong. We like to provide a comfortable environment in which to worship and grow closer to God.
Contact Us
Feel free to email us at thornridgecc@gmail.com or go to the contact us page whenever you have a question or comment about anything that is going at Thornridge. We will happy to answer any questions you have.
Frequently asked questions
What do I wear?
We want you to feel at home and comfortable. It doesn’t matter what you wear as long as it is respectful of others! If you want to dress up for a service, feel free to dress up. If you want to wear jeans, you are welcome to wear jeans. If you want to attend in your sweat pants, go right ahead!
What should I expect?
Expect to be welcomed and made to feel at home. If you have children with you, they are welcome to join you in service or them join the rest of the kids in the hangout after worship they will be dismissed. Their time is specifically for their age group (ages 0-5th grade). We hope you walk away feeling valued and loved.
What is your service like?
We will begin the service with prayer so that everyone knows to start taking their seat. Then we will have a few songs to worship God through music. Announcements are made regarding upcoming events and what is going on at Thornridge. We hope you will take note of some fun things you may be interested in getting involved with. Then we dig into God’s word and what He has for us through it. Last we close the service with a song.
Do you have something for kids?
At Thornridge, we hope your children feel just as comfortable and valued as you do when you are visiting. If your kids feel more at home with you in the service, they are welcome to stay in our service with you. Or, if they want to experience kids church that is focused towards their age they are welcome there. They dismissed to The Hangout after worship for kids church.